Just wanted to share this little sneak peak of Luna Moo and Cam from last night. Still working away and we're up to 37% now! I hope you guys are excited as I am. Have a great weekend everyone! <3 ~kc
Hey my loves.
Just wanted to share this little sneak peak of Luna Moo and Cam from last night. Still working away and we're up to 37% now! I hope you guys are excited as I am. Have a great weekend everyone! <3 ~kc
United Calamity
from Brave: Life in Verse January 2017 My life is like a small boat and the waves are all a storm. My life is like a flower in snow trying to stay warm. These thoughts are all a fog and the tears still come like rain. But I'm no longer wondering what will become of my pain. After a long week of storms, the sun breaks through like a dove on a day when hope is dying, when hate is thickly trumping love. The enemy is each of us. And even I still fill with hate at the thoughts of hate trumping- such a hypocritical fate. My heart shakes like an earthquake as I let the demons of my tongue encourage and infuriate the hate-filled rope that has us hung. Who are we that we let all this flood our fragile humanity like poisoned rain that eats us to a united calamity? Are our troubled hearts so fierce and our egos such like glass, we refuse to open our eyes and love the ones who loved us last? Do we choose to move away from the connectedness we share? Do we choose to not believe? Do we truly choose not to care? My heart wavers as my steps waver, and no, I cannot change the world. I cannot change the hearts of those who seek to see it hurled. To love without expecting love is what brings us humanity. But as we fight each other, we're a united calamity. Can you imagine being a seed though?
Like you're this little bitty thing, and then someone shoves you into the ground and buries you in the darkness. Suddenly, you crack, and you're broken. And then you notice something is growing. But like is that ok?? What even is it? What if I can't support the weight of it? What if I can't make it? What if I don't even have it in me to grow into a tree though? But then you grow. Your stem hardens into a shield of bark. You grow leaves to catch the sunlight. You provide peace and comfort for those around you. You feel like you can touch the sky and the clouds, and the rain doesn't drown you in mud anymore, it just helps you grow more. And you remember how you felt as a seed. So very small, so very unsure of the future, so very scared to even grow so tall as the trees. Yet here you are. You're not a seed anymore. You're the strong and brave and beautiful tree you dreamed of being, that you were even afraid to dream to be. What it would be like to be a seed, huh? Good morning, loves!
I wanted to let you guys know that there are awesome things on the way. The newest installment of Life in Verse, BRAVE, is going to be released really soon! The tentative release date is set for June 10th, 2021 but we'll have to see how things progress here on out. Also I'm planning on starting the third Little Rhymers book. I'll also be working as an editor for a separate project simultaneously, but hopefully that won't hinder Little Rhymer development. I'm excited for the future, and I'm excited to have you guys with me. <3 kc A very lovely young lady made a very good post this morning about the quote "You can't pour from an empty cup." In the post, she said, "I'm currently "refilling my cup" and trying to dive back into yoga and see what this meditation game is all about." And then she asked this question:
The question just sparked a flood of thoughts, and I felt compelled to share them with you guys as well. I think I need this reminder. Yoga and meditation are both things I need to try to start doing as well. I always feel like I'm running on "Empty" and I'm working on trying to fill my cup back up. I think a good way to refill your cup is just taking time for yourself to do things that make you happy. I think creating, whatever that entails, is a huge thing. It's taking time for yourself, and there's something about creating art that is good for the soul I think. I tend to think that talking to people about what's bothering you is "self-care" but it's possible to overdo that (#guilty). However, what's interesting is writing a "letter" to yourself. You rant and rave and get crazy in that first letter. Then you step away for a minute, and then come back and reread it. Then you write a letter back to yourself with the advice you would give to your best friend. It's an interesting way to remind yourself that you deserve the same treatment from yourself that you would give to your best friend, and it really brings in a different perspective. (Something I need to start doing again as well.) Another thing I've read a lot about is going into nature. The other day I went for a walk on a heavily forested trail by myself, and it was so comforting. Meditation and nature is a good combination. I think I'm about to start going into a list of self-care tips as opposed to the refilling your cups ideas, which could turn into a much longer essay than the one I've begun, lol. But the last thing I want to say is this: you have to know when someone is draining your cup. Sometimes people don't mean to. I know I have a tendency to be very draining on people sometimes... but that's why everyone needs to be aware of how to say "no" even to people they love. Saying no not only helps you from getting drained, but also forces the other person to be more self-reliant (hopefully anyway). It's important to take care of yourself, and if someone is constantly draining you, how are you supposed to keep pouring for them, let alone yourself? There's a line between being there for your friends and family, and having them take advantage of you. I'm not sure it's a definable line, because I think it might be different for everyone. But you know when someone's energy is having a negative effect on you, and you have to take care of yourself. You can't feel guilty about it. I had a friend that I loved very much, and in fact there will always be a special place for her in my heart. But she wasn't good for me, and she hurt me a lot. And as much as I want to be friends with her again, I know how negatively she impacted me. It's kind of like how I know I've negatively impacted people who never want to see me again either. It sucks, but negative energy is so draining on people, and you can't push your negativity at people all the time because it just puts holes in peoples' cups. And who wants to hang out with someone who keeps putting holes in their cup?! lol By the way I'm going to be thinking on this topic all day now. Thanks. :P Book: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Cali Stars: ★★★★★ For January, the Riesling Chapter read Americanah, our second book by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. (Our first was We Should All Be Feminists!) Americanah was a brilliant book. Adichie discusses race in an open and real way. Even if you don't consider yourself racist in any way, you're able to learn something, or to see something in a different perspective. I love the challenges the main character, Ifemelu, sets up for the reader, and the perspective of race in the USA from someone who moved to the USA as a young adult. There is just so much going on in this story, and Adichie just brings it all together with beautiful words, imagery, and characters. I really do believe that this is probably one of the most important books I've read, and I sincerely believe that people ought to read this amazing novel. I look forward to reading more of Adichie's work. Book: Wild by Cheryl Strayed Cali Stars: ★★★★✰ For the month of November 2018, our book club, The Riesling Chapter, picked Wild by Cheryl Strayed. This was such an interesting and different book for me. I've never read a book like this (one girl in RC said she had though). It was a bit interesting going back and forth between the perspectives of the past-tense battles that Cheryl was facing during her present-day battle against the terrain. During RC discussion of the book, it became clear that the book had inspired several of us: one our ladies said she definitely wanted to do something similar except on the Appalachian Trail perhaps. One other said she had decided on a very particular page that she wanted to run a half-marathon for the first time. For myself, it gave me a particular aching for the week-long camping trip in Yellowstone that I went on a couple of years ago. And immediately after putting the book down, I may have also done a quick workout (which I'm still feeling two full days later). The book feels almost as slow as the trail itself at times. However, I think the journey through the Pacific Crest Trail is worth the time you put into it. It certainly inspired us. Hey my sweet loves!
I got to thinking about it, and I decided it would be fun to share our book club's list of books we've read! Also I'm putting little stars next to my favorites. :D
Hey my sweet beautiful shali loveys!
I've got just a couple of things to share with you all:
I'm so glad it's the weekend in about 45 minutes! Let me know what's what my chicken nuggets. Cheers, ~kc |
JournalHere are random words out of the mind of Kristine Cali. Archives
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